A Flicker of Hope / Un aleteo de esperanza


by Cynthia Harmony
illustrated by Devon Holzwarth

A heartwarming tale of a girl waiting for her beloved Papá to return when the monarchs fly south to their home in Mexico.

Lucía loves to watch the monarchs’ migration from her home in Mexico with Papá. But this year, the monarchs’ journey north holds extra weight; Papá is heading north, too, to look for work. He promises her that when “the weather turns cold and the monarcas return, our winged ancestors will guide me home.” So while he spends the summer months harvesting produce on faraway farms, Lucía watches the skies for signs of the monarchs’—and her papá’s—return.

Told through the parallel stories of the butterflies’ journey and Lucía’s migrant farmer father, Cynthia Harmony’s A Flicker of Hope is a love letter to the power of families and nature, both of which know no borders.

Hardcover | 32 pages | Viking Books for Young Readers | 2024

Cynthia Harmony is an educational psychologist and author originally from Mexico City.

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