Befriend Your Brain: A Young Person’s Guide


A Young Person’s Guide to Dealing with Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Freak-Outs, and Triggers

by Dr. Faith G. Harper

Dr. Faith’s bestselling book reworked for young readers

Do you freak out at small things? Do you yell at people when you don’t mean to? Do you cry or get scared and you aren’t sure why? Does it feel like your feelings control you?

All of these feelings are a normal part of life for everybody, but sometimes they’re just too much and it seems like you’re the only one on the planet that feels them.

Our brains are doing their best to help us out, but sometimes we get hurt instead. And sometimes we hurt people we love, too, because we just don’t know what to do with all of our feelings. With humor and patience, Dr. Faith G. Harper shows you the science behind why your brain is acting up and ideas for new ways to respond when you’re feeling scared, sad, anxious, or angry. You can train your brain to be your friend and help you live a happy, calm, and healthy life. If you have experienced trauma or if you have a hard time feeling good and getting along with other people, this book can help.

This is an adaptation of Dr. Faith’s bestselling book (which has an R-rated title), written for tweens, teens, and the adults trying to help them navigate it all.

Paperback | 192 pages | Microcosm Publsihing | 2022

Dr. Faith G. Harper, ACS, ACN, holds postdoctoral certifications in sexology and applied clinical nutrition and is trained in yoga, meditation, breathwork, mindful movement, and all of those other forms of care that make most people avoid her at parties. In the past, she has worked in academia, community mental health, and private practice as a licensed professional counselor. She maintains a connection with academia through her work with the Society of Indian Psychologists. She lives in San Antonio, TX, with her amazing friends and family and terrible rescue cats. She can be reached through her website,

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