Did You Know? You Are The Shit!


by Elizabeth Leiba 

Change your life forever by correcting your mind right now! If you are truly looking to get over the hump, get out of your own way, and attract the life that you deserve, then Did You Know? You Are The Shit! is for you. Understand what affirmations are, why we have negative thoughts, and how to use affirmations through the Ultra-Awareness technique described inside to overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. You are who you think you are, and once you understand how to change your mindset to think as such, you will become a magnet for your truest desires. Did You Know? You Are The Shit! contains positive affirmations and a daily fulfillment journey to guide you on your life’s journey. Take control of your life now!

Paperback | 240 pages | Jeremy Clark | 2021

Jeremy Clark, MBA, is a motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and mindset coach. He specializes in mastering emotions to give people the fuel to take control of their lives and become their best selves and is the author of Did You Know? You Are The Shit! that teaches you how to use positive affirmations to overcome self-doubt. Jeremy has extensively traveled to various parts of North and Central America, Europe, the Caribbean, the Middle East, South East Asia, and Africa studying their cultures, their motivations, and the root of human happiness. Jeremy also created and writes for the Most Valuable Player Blog at Jclarkspeaks.com where you can find more articles on personal development.

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