The City on Film


art and poetry Joshua Jones
design by Elizabeth Thompson


Joshua Jones gives it to you dark and you ask for more. Here in these poems about cities and films, and about cities on film, Joshua writes with the grace and sting of a spider. The City on Film is anxious, propulsive, rancid, violent, and very human.

Color interiors

Zine | 38 pages | Bread & Roses Press | 2024

Joshua Jones (he/him) is a queer, autistic writer and artist from Llanelli, South Wales. He co-founded Dyddiau Du, a NeuroQueer art and literature space in Cardiff. His fiction and poetry have been published by Poetry Wales, Broken Sleep Books, Gutter, and others. He is a Literature Wales Emerging Writer for 2023, and is currently working with the British Council to connect Welsh and Vietnamese queer writers. Local Fires is his first publication of fiction.

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