TYPEONE Magazine Issue 02



Kinetic (moving) type has seen an abundance of exponential growth in the last 50 years as the possibilities of matching text and motion has grown in direct correlation to the equally exponential, if not more so, developments in technology. Having manifested itself and created a solid home in our design industry, in TYPEONE Magazine Issue 02, the editors explore the methods, the logic, and the creatives behind this exciting niche using QR code technology to translate static content to moving imagery.

Lenticular Cover
To illustrate an illusion of motion, TYPEONE incorporated a very special lenticular printed cover designed by Hamburg-based artist Gydient. Simply angle the cover from left to right to watch the number two untwist—Implemented with QR code technology to translate static content to moving imagery

Core Annual Sponsor: Indian Type Foundry
Partners & Sponsors: Rosetta Type, Slanted Publishers, Extraset, 205TF, Dinamo, Zetafonts, VJ Type, Typeland, and Production Type.

Paperback | 144 pages | TYPEONE | 2021