Unfuck Your Masculinity


How Cultural Bullshit Fucks Up Men’s Body Image; What to Look For and What to Do About It

by Dr. Faith G. Harper and Aaron Sapp, MD, MBA

Body image problems and eating disorders have long been considered mostly to be women’s problems. But did you know that men are even more likely than women to suffer from distorted or dysmorphic body image? Essentially we’re all affected by patriarchal ideals of how we ought to look. Whether you’re self-conscious about your weight, looks, muscles, hair, penis size, or whatever, unrealistic expectations can control your life in scary ways. In this zine, Microcosm Publishing bestseller Dr. Faith and Dr. Aaron walk you through how to know if you’ve got a problem and provide practical, science-based ways to cope by improving not only your image of yourself but also your physical and mental health. Whether you’re cis or trans, learn to be comfortable in your body and let the cycle of toxic masculinity stop with you.

Zine | 36 pages | Microcosm Publishing | 2021

Dr. Faith G. Harper, ACS, ACN, holds postdoctoral certifications in sexology and applied clinical nutrition and is trained in yoga, meditation, breathwork, mindful movement, and all of those other forms of care that make most people avoid her at parties. In the past, she has worked in academia, community mental health, and private practice as a licensed professional counselor. She maintains a connection with academia through her work with the Society of Indian Psychologists. She lives in San Antonio, TX, with her amazing friends and family and terrible rescue cats. She can be reached through her website, faithgharper.com.

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